Monday, October 19, 2009

Why can't we be friends?

Something that I noticed rather quickly, was that French mix brown and black, and make it look good. Once again I was quite impressed by this skill. I feel like mixing those two colors is one of the most severe fashion mistakes that one can make. Worse than wearing white after Labor Day. But they committed this crime without conscience, and I consciously tried to figure out how it was done. I noticed that it involved a lot of layering or accessories. For example, the PR (person of research) usually wore a long sleeve black turtle neck underneath a brown jacket or dress. If they wore the second look, the brown dress was accompanied with black stockings and brown heels or boots. Only the very best can accomplish this style correctly, and since the French are, in my opinion, some of the best dressers in the world, they can pull it off. I'm rather weary if I can do this however, and probably won't try.

1 comment:

  1. I got a pair of brown boots for my birthday and was trying to figure out what color leggings to wear with them, since brown was just too much and gray looked weird, I was like what about black? I've always been told not to mix brown and black but I looked online and found tons of pictures of girls doing this and looking great. So thumbs up to the French for ignoring fashion faux pas (and to you for writing about it!)
