Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Boot

Ahh the boot. Since fall is on its way, I thought this would be a good topic. The French love their boots. In fact, I think it's a European fashion staple, because I found that women in London, Dublin, Rome, and Barcelona all embraced the boot. I vaguely knew this before I went to France last winter, and ordered a pair of brown, suede, pointed-toe, stretch boots from Victoria's Secret. I thought I was so chic, but I was actually so wrong. The French wear a distinct kind of boot, one that is more practical than anything else. It has a thicker wooden heel, usually leather or suede, and resembles a cowgirl boot, sans the "western." I could make a narrow assessment and say that it's more popular than the stiletto because it doesn't get caught in the picturesque cobblestone streets, but I can't be held accountable for such a theory. All I know is that the boots I bought in France were much more comfortable than the pointy ones they had replaced. And when I got home to America I immediately bought a pair of uncomfortable, stretch stiletto boots. What can I say?


  1. Ahh the type of boot you described the French wearing is what I want for Christmas but don't know where to get! Without spending an arm and a leg, that is (and without looking trashy). Maybe you could discuss this in another post later on, especially as winter creeps up on us and practicality in the snowy Pittsburgh streets becomes a must.


    I found a website with a bunch of different types of boots and what looks like blogs on the different styles. A bit out of my (and probably most college students') price range, but maybe a good place to find ideas to copy at DSW.
