Monday, December 7, 2009

An ode to finals week

Since finals is hindering my ability to write this blog, I might as well post about it. We're all writing majors in this class, so how many of you have final portfolios or papers due this week and then have a relatively less stressful finals week? Since that has been my experience just about every semester I would bet that most of you are feeling this same crunch. And we still have class! So should one worry about fashion at such a time? Well that's up to you. I know that I've been sporting my man sweatpants at David Lawrence computer lab for the past few days. But I guess that the best look to go for if you want to mix comfort and fashion would be a leggings and t-shirt/cardigan combo. It's fast, warm, stylish, and comfortable and will allow you to endure countless hours of RockStar induced caffeine highs without flinching. So type away! and try not to wear out those sweats too badly, although I do understand, seeing as I'm wearing mine right now.